Heights: Total: 172cm Hombro/Pie: 160 Cintura/Pie: 110 Brazos: 61 Width: Cuello: 40 Hombros: 120 Pecho: 93 Cintura: 76 Cadera: 94 Pierna: 54 Gemelo: 40
Peso maniquí: aprox 20 kg. Base weight: 15 kg
The perfect mannequin for professional photography of your webshop. The
ghost dummy is specially developed for e-commerce use.
You can now take photos and record videos of your fashion products from
quickly and efficiently. The entire body consists of detachable parts
which can be used individually or combined in different positions.
The Pro Male manikin is delivered with a rotating footplate and
portable. The base has wheels and is therefore easy to transport and store.
Ideal for any studio shooting fashion photography,
for clothing web shops and mannequin photography.
Product specifications:
It includes a base plate with wheels for fixing and 360º turns.
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